Math 111 - Calculus I - Section 2 - Fall 2012

General Information:

Meeting Time:MWF, 11:00 - 11:50 AM
Location: Jones 306
Instructor:Ryan Vinroot
Office: Jones 130
Office Hours: Mon 3:30 - 4:30, Wed 2:30 - 3:30, Thurs 9:30 - 11 and 3:30 - 5 (also by appt).
Lab:TA: Amy Russell
Location: Jones 301
Meeting Time: Thurs, 8:30 - 9:20 AM (on test days, start time at 8:00 AM)
Textbook: Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals (7th edition), by James Stewart.
3 Tests -- 15% each, Quizzes/HW -- 15%, Labs -- 15%, Final Exam -- 25% (you will be able to replace your lowest attempted test score with your Final Exam score). See the syllabus link below for the precise grading scale.
Attendance & Lecture Policy: You are expected to attend every lecture and lab. If there is some reason you must reschedule a test, you must discuss it with me BEFORE the test. Please do not email or text during lecture or lab. Keep all cell phones/hand held devices/laptops put away during lecture and lab.
Calculator Policy: See the main 111 homepage for a list of recommended calculators. Calculators will be most useful for Labs and on certain homework problems. However, calculators will NOT be allowed for the final exam, the three mid-term tests, or for the quizzes.
Prerequisites: The prerequisite is essentially high school pre-calculus. The main concepts you need to have mastered are basic algebra, trigonometry, and logarithms. In particular, you are expected to know the material in Chapter 1 of the text book in detail. It is extremely important that you know the basic shape of the graphs of these functions, and you know the values of trigonometric functions as the standard special values.
Syllabus: The course will cover Sections 2.1 - 5.4 of the text (with the exception of Sections 3.11 and 4.6). We begin by studying limits and continuity, followed by the definition, calculation, and application of derivatives, and finally an introduction to integrals. For a detailed syllabus, including details of all of the above information, please read the following carefully: 111 Syllabus (word document).

Dates & Course Announcements:

(Tentative) Exam Calendar:
Test 1 Thurs, Sept. 27 In Lab Jones 301
Test 2 Thurs, Oct. 25 In Lab Jones 301
Test 3 Thurs, Nov. 15 In Lab Jones 301
Final Exam Thurs, Dec. 13 9 AM - 12 NOON Jones 302
  • All important announcements related to the class will be listed here. Check back frequently (don't forget to refresh your browser) for updates.
  • Important Dates and Class Holidays:
    • Fri, Sep 7: ADD/DROP DEADLINE
    • Sat, Oct 13 - Tues, Oct 16: NO CLASS (Fall Break)
    • Fri, Oct 26: WITHDRAW DEADLINE
    • Wed, Nov 21 - Sun, Nov 25: NO CLASS (Thanksgiving Break)
    • Thurs, Dec 13: FINAL EXAM
  • (8/29) Lab 0, which can be downloaded at the main 111 homepage, is due in the first lab, on Thursday, Sept 6. Lab 0 is a review of algebra, trigonometry, and logarithms.
  • (8/29) I will schedule my regular weekly office hours after the first week or so of class. During the first (short) week of class, I will be available for any questions in my office on Wed, Aug 29, 2:30-4:30, Thurs, Aug 30, 10-11:30 and 3-4:30.
  • (9/5) I have posted a warm-up quiz, Quiz 0, below. Please print it out, and attempt to do it by yourself in 10-12 minutes. I will post solutions next Monday. Quiz 0 will not be collected or graded. This is just to prepare you for the kind of quiz you should expect in lab starting next week.
  • (9/5) Please remember your first lab is this Thursday. You are responsible for printing out the assigned lab and bringing it to lab. All labs are available at the link provided on this page, and the labs which will be done each week in lab are all listed on the syllabus.
  • (9/5) My office hours for today and tomorrow are as follows: Wed Sep 5, 2-3:30, Thurs Sep 6, 9-11 and 3:30-5.
  • (9/10) I have posted, at the top of this page, my regular weekly office hours. They are M 2:30-3:30, W 3:30-4:30, and Th 9:30-11, 3:30-5.
  • (9/24) The first midterm is this Thursday, Sept 27. The midterm will be given during Lab, but Lab will start 30 min earlier to give you more time for the midterm. That is, the midterm will be given 8:00 - 9:20 AM on Thursday, in the regular Lab location.
  • (9/24) As is on the syllabus, the first midterm will cover Sections 2.1-3.2. The following problems are excellent review problems:
    pg. 166, True-False Quiz #1-24
    pg. 167-168 #1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13-20, 23-26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45-48
    pg. 264-265, True-False Quiz #1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15
    Sec. 3.1 and 3.2: The assigned homework problems
  • (9/24) Today, Mon, Sept 25, and this Wed, Sept 26, I will add an extra office hours for questions in prepration for the first midterm. Today (Mon), I will have office hours 2:30 - 4:30, and on Wed I will have office hours 1:30-3:30.
  • (10/19) Test 2 will be on Thurs, Oct 25, in Lab, starting at 8:00 AM. The test covers Sections 3.3-3.10. The following Exercies from the Chapter 3 Review in the textbook are the ones which are relevant to the test:
    Chapter 3, pgs. 265-267, All problems EXCEPT FOR #43, 45, 47, 48, 91.
  • (10/22) I will have extra office hours on Monday and Wednesday this week to answer your questions for Test 2. My office hours will be today, Mon, Oct 22, 2:30-4:30, and Wed, Oct 24, 2-4:30.
  • (10/31) My office hours today, Wed, Oct 31, will be 1:30-2:30 instead of 2:30-3:30.
  • (10/31) Due to the lost class day, the syllabus will now be slightly altered in the next couple of weeks. This is how it will go:
    W Oct 31 - 4.2 The Mean-Value Theorem
    F Nov 2, M Nov 5 - 4.4 Indeterminate Forms and L'Hospital's rule (no change)
    W Nov 7 - 4.3 The derivative and the shape of a graph
    Th Nov 8 Lab - Lab 9 Newton's method (4.8 from book covered), Lab 8 due
    F Nov 9 - 4.5 Summary of curve sketching
    M Nov 12 - 4.7 Optimization Problems
    W Nov 14 - 4.7 continued + Review
    Th Nov 15 Lab - Test 3, covering 4.1-4.5, 4.7, 8:00 - 9:20 AM.
  • (11/12) Test 3, which is this Thurs, Nov 15, 8:00-9:20 in lab, covers Sections 4.1-4.5, and 4.7. The relevant problems from the Chapter 4 review exercises (pgs. 352-353) are #1-34, 45-59.
  • (11/12) I will extend my office hours this week to the following times: Mon, Nov 12 (today), 2-3:30, and Wed, Nov 14, 1:30-3:30.
  • (12/3) The location of the final exam has been set as Jones 302 (on Thurs, Dec. 13, 9 AM - 12 Noon). This is the room next door to the room in which you have your lab.
  • (12/3) Please note that for the last lab this week, both your last Lab, Lab 10, and your History of Calculus assignment (available from the same page as the rest of the labs) are due. Lab will be held, and will be used as a review hour, so bring questions you would like to see worked.
  • (12/5) I will have extended office hours tomorrow, Thurs, Dec 6, 2:30-5, and I will have extra office hours on Fri, Dec 7, 2-4. The day before the final exam, on Wed, Dec 12, I will be available in my office for questions essentially all day, 8:30-2 and 3-5.


The Lab for our Section of Math 111 meets on Thursdays, 8:30-9:20 AM, in Jones 301. There is a graduate student assigned as the TA for your Lab. It is essential that you show up for your Lab every week. For one, as explained below, a quiz will be given at the beginning of every lab, unless there is a Test. Each of the mid-semester tests will be given during Lab. On those days, your Lab time will begin 30 minutes earlier, at 8:00 AM, so that everyone has ample time to complete the tests.

Each lab assignment will begin during the lab time, accompanied by an introduction to the concept covered and some examples given by your TA. Your scores on the Lab assignments will count as 15% of your final grade. All of the labs will be available at the following link: 111 homepage.

The first Lab (Lab 0), is due at the beginning of the first Lab meeting, on Thursday, Sept 6. Please check the class syllabus to see which labs are due on which week. On the weeks of mid-term tests, lab assignments will be submitted to me during lecture rather than during lab time.

Homework & Quizzes:

There will be homework assignments for every section covered in class. This homework is absolutely necessary in order to succeed on the quizzes, tests, and to develop a firm understanding of the material. In general, the homework will not be collected, although you are always welcome to ask me to look at your work and to make comments on your solutions during my office hours.

The list of all assigned homework problems is here (word document).

There will be quizzes given at the beginning of lab every week when there is not a mid-term test. Each quiz will be 10-15 minutes, and will consist of a test-style problem (possibly with multiple parts). Like the tests, calculators will not be allowed on quizzes. The main point of the quizzes, apart from testing your understanding of the assigned homework, is to prepare you for test problems. In general, if you do all of the assigned homework for each lecture during the week, you will be prepared for the quiz.

For your total quiz score at the end of the semester, I will drop two of your low quiz scores. There are no make-up quizzes.

I will list all quizzes given throughout the semester, along with their solutions, here:

Resources & Links:

  • Apart from my office hours, there is also Calculus tutoring by graduate assistants on Sunday through Thursday evenings from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM, in Jones 131 (starting the second week of class). This is a great place to go get homework problems done, and I highly encourage all students to take advantage of this service.
  • The main homepage for all sections of Calculus I at William & Mary, which has all of the Labs, and some problems from past finals, is here.