IWOTA 2008
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College of William and Mary
College of William and Mary

The XIXth International Workshop on Operator Theory
and its Applications: July 22 - July 26, 2008


Welcome to the Nineteenth International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications. It is held in conjunction with the
18th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS)
in Blacksburg, Virginia (Virginia Tech, July 28 - August 1, 2008) and the
9th Workshop on Numerical Ranges and Numerical Radii
scheduled for July 19 - July 21, 2008 at the College of William and Mary (Chi-Kwong Li, organizer).

IWOTA 2008 is intended to be a comprehensive, inclusive conference covering all aspects of theoretical and applied operator theory. This conference will celebrate the work and career of Israel Gohberg on the occasion of his 80th birthday.

We are open to suggestions and we welcome proposals for special sessions.

The list of plenary speakers includes:

* Jim Agler (San-Diego, USA)
Estelle L. Basor (San Luis Obispo, USA)
Albrecht Boettcher (Chemnitz, Germany)
Percy Deift (New York, USA)
Israel Gohberg (Tel-Aviv, Israel)
Birgit Jacob (Delft, The Netherlands)
Marinus A. Kaashoek (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Peter Lancaster (Calgary, Canada)
Jurgen Leiterer (Berlin, Germany)
Barbara D. MacCluer (Charlottesville, USA)
Scott A. McCullough (Gainesville, USA)
target="_blank"> Nikolai K. Nikolski (Bordeaux, France)
Pablo A. Parrilo (Cambridge, USA)
Gelu Popescu (San-Antonio, USA)
Stephan Richter (Knoxville, USA)
Hans Schneider (Madison, USA), ILAS Speaker
Victor Vinnikov (Beer-Sheva, Israel)
Registered participants >>>