Math 111 - Calculus I - Section 5 - Fall 2009

General Information:

Meeting Time:MWF, 12:00 - 12:50 PM
Location: Jones 301
Instructor:Ryan Vinroot
Office: Jones 130
Office Hours: Mon, Wed 3:30-4:30, Thurs 9-10:30, or by appointment/walk-in.
Lab:TA: Rui Zhang
Location: Jones 306
Meeting Time: Tues, 2:30 - 3:20 PM
Textbook: Single Variable Essential Calculus, Early Transcendentals, by James Stewart.
3 Tests -- 15% each, Quizzes/HW -- 15%, Labs -- 15%, Final Exam -- 25% (you may also replace your lowest attempted test score with your Final Exam score). Grades will be posted on Blackboard. See the syllabus link below for the precise grading scale.
Attendance Policy: You are expected to attend every lecture and lab. If there is some reason you must reschedule a test, you must discuss it with me BEFORE the test.
Calculator Policy: See the main 111 homepage for a list of recommended calculators. Calculators will be most useful for Labs and on certain homework problems, and will be allowed for the Final Exam. Calculators will NOT be allowed for the three mid-term tests, and will not be allowed for most quizzes.
Prerequisites: The prerequisite is essentially high school pre-calculus. The main concepts you need to have mastered are basic algebra, trigonometry, and logarithms.
Syllabus: The course will cover Chapters 1-5 of the text (with the exception of Section 3.6). We begin by studying limits and continuity in Chapter 1, followed by aspects of derivatives in Chapters 2-4, and finally an introduction to integrals in Chapter 5. For a detailed syllabus, including details of all of the above information, please read the following carefully: 111 Syllabus (word document).

Dates & Course Announcements:

(Tentative) Exam Calendar:
Test 1 Tues, Sept. 29 In Lab Jones 306
Test 2 Tues, Oct. 27 In Lab Jones 306
Test 3 Tues, Nov. 17 In Lab Jones 306
Final Exam Tues, Dec. 8 9 AM - 12 NOON Jones 301
  • Important Dates and Class Holidays:
    • Sat, Oct 10 - Tues, Oct 13: NO CLASS (Fall Break)
    • Wed, Nov 25 - Sun, Nov 29: NO CLASS (Thanksgiving Break)
    • Tues, Dec 8: FINAL EXAM
  • Lab 0, which can be downloaded at the main 111 homepage, is due in the first lab, on Tuesday, Sept 1. Lab 0 is a review of algebra, trigonometry, and logarithms.
  • The following problems from the Chapter Review Exercises will be useful in preparing for Test 1:
    Chapter 1, pgs. 70-72, #1-44, 47-50.
    Chapter 2, pgs. 139-141, #1-22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30-35, 37-40, 42-45, 49-61, 74-76.
  • Here are problems from the Chapter Review Exercises which you should do to prepare for Test 2. Please note that in the Chapter 3 Review problems, I have listed only the problems which are NOT relevant. All others are on material which is covered:
    Chapter 2, pgs. 140-141 #23, 26, 29, 36, 41, 46-48, 62, 65-73.
    Chapter 3, pgs. 196-197, All problems EXCEPT FOR #3, 37, 43, 45, 46, 55, 71, 83.
  • For Test 3, here are review problems corresponding to material which will be covered: pg. 192 #31-36 and pg. 197 #74, 82 (Remember, indeterminate powers from Section 3.7 will be covered), pgs. 248-250, All problems EXCEPT FOR #46, 47, 48, 59.


The Lab for our Section of Math 111 meets on Tuesdays, 2:30-3:20, in Jones 306. There is a graduate student assigned as the TA for your Lab. It is essential that you show up for your Lab every week. For one, as explained below, a quiz will be given at the beginning of every lab, unless there is a Test. Each of the mid-semester tests will be given during Lab. Your scores on the Lab assignments will count as 15% of your final grade. Eventually, all of the labs will be available at the following link (right now, only Labs 0, 1, and 2 are there): 111 homepage. The first Lab (Lab 0), is due at the beginning of the first Lab meeting, on Tuesday, September 1.

Homework & Quizzes:

There will be homework assignments for every section covered in class. This homework is absolutely necessary in order to succeed on the quizzes, tests, and to develop a firm understanding of the material. In general, the homework will not be collected, although you are always welcome to ask me to look at your work and to make comments on your solutions.

The list of all assigned homework problems is here (word document).

There will be quizzes given at the beginning of lab roughly every week. Each quiz will be 10 minutes, and will consist of a test-style problem (possibly with multiple parts). Like the tests, most quizzes will not allow calculators. The main point of the quizzes, apart from testing your understanding of the assigned homework, is to prepare you for test problems. At some points in the semester, I may randomly collect homework from a previously covered section. You will not be penalized for not having the homework, but if you do, its completion can add points to a quiz score.

For your total quiz score at the end of the semester, I will drop one or two of your low quiz scores. There are no make-up quizzes. If your test score for a block of material is significantly better than your quiz scores for those sections, then your test score can replace those quiz scores.

I will list all quizzes given throughout the semester, along with their solutions, here:

Resources & Links:

  • Apart from my office hours, there is also Calculus tutoring by graduate assistants on Sunday through Thursday evenings from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM, in Jones 131 (starting the second week of class). This is a great place to go get homework problems done, and I highly encourage all students to take advantage of this service.
  • The main homepage for all sections of Calculus I at William & Mary, which will eventually have all of the Labs, and some problems from past finals, is here.