Math 111 - Calculus I - Section 1 - Spring 2019

General Information:

Meeting Time:MWF, 9:00 - 9:50
Location: Jones 302
Instructor:Ryan Vinroot
Office: Jones 100D
Office Hours: Mon 3:30-5, Wed 3-4, Thurs 10-11 and 4-5 (also by appointment)
Lab:TA: Becca Rousseau (email:
Location: Morton 37
Meeting Time: Thurs, 8:30 - 9:20 AM (on test days, can start at 8:00 AM)
Textbook: Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals (8th edition), by James Stewart.
3 Tests -- 15% each, Quizzes -- 15%, Labs -- 15%, Final Exam -- 25% (you will be able to replace your lowest attempted test score with your Final Exam score). See the syllabus link below for the precise grading scale.
Attendance & Lecture Policy: You are expected to attend every lecture and lab. If there is some reason you must reschedule a test, you must discuss it with me BEFORE the test. Please do not email or text during lecture or lab. Keep all cell phones/hand held devices/laptops/tablets put away during lecture and lab.
Calculator Policy: Calculator will NOT be allowed for quizzes, tests, or the final exam. A calculator would be most useful for certain HW or Lab problems. You can certainly get away without purchasing a calculator, and just use web-based calculating tools. If you would like to purchase a calculator, see the main 111 homepage for a list of recommended calculators.
Prerequisites: The prerequisite is essentially high school pre-calculus. The main concepts you need to have mastered are basic algebra, trigonometry, and logarithms. In particular, you are expected to know the material in Chapter 1 of the text book in detail. It is extremely important that you know the basic shape of the graphs of these functions, and you know the values of trigonometric functions as the standard special values.
Syllabus: The course will cover Sections 2.1 - 5.4 of the text (with the exception of Sections 3.11, 4.6, and 4.8). We begin by studying limits and continuity, followed by the definition, calculation, and applications of derivatives, and finally an introduction to integrals. For a detailed syllabus, including details of all of the above information, please read the following carefully: 111 Syllabus (pdf). Note that if there are snow days (or the like), then the syllabus might change.

Dates & Course Announcements:

(Tentative) Exam Calendar:
Test 1 Thurs, Feb. 21 In Lab, 8-9:20 am Morton 37
Test 2 Thurs, Mar. 21 In Lab, 8-9:20 am Morton 37
Test 3 Thurs, Apr. 18 In Lab, 8-9:20 am Morton 37
Final Exam Wed, May 8 9 AM - 12 NOON Morton 37
  • All important announcements related to the class will be listed here. Check back frequently (don't forget to refresh your browser) for updates.
  • Important Dates and Class Holidays:
    • Mon, Jan 21: NO CLASS (Martin Luther King Holiday)
    • Thurs, Jan 24: FIRST LAB MEETING
    • Mon, Jan 28: ADD/DROP DEADLINE
    • Sat, Mar 2 - Sun, Mar 10: NO CLASS (Spring Break)
    • Fri, Mar 15: WITHDRAW DEADLINE
    • Wed, May 8, 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon - FINAL EXAM
  • (1/16) You should complete the Calculus Readiness Evaluation test on Blackboard, before your first Lab meeting, if you haven't already. You can get started by watching the video on this page: Get started on Readiness test. If you have already taken this Readiness test, or cannot otherwise access it, then you should work on the Precalculus Diagnostic tests in the textbook, which end just before page 1 of the book. Or, you could work on Precalculus problems from the Homework section of the following previous Precalculus class (all problems have solutions listed as well): Math 103 Fall 2015. One way or another, you should be working on as many Precalculus problems as you can before the first Lab meeting on Thurs Jan 24.
  • (1/16) I will determine my regular weekly office hours soon. My office hours for the first short week of classes are as follows:
    Wed Jan 16 3-4 pm, Thurs Jan 17, 10-11 am and 2-3 pm.
  • (1/23) My office hours this week will be as follows:
    Wed Jan 23 2:30-4, and Thurs Jan 24 9:30-11 and 2-3.
  • (1/23) Your first Lab meeting will be tomorrow, Thurs, Jan 24, at 8:30 am in Morton 37. Please remember to print out Lab 1 and bring it with you. There will not be a graded, timed quiz in the first meeting, but rather you will be given a take-home non-graded Quiz 0 so that you can see what to expect on future quizzes.
  • (1/28) My office hours this week will be as follows:
    Mon Jan 28 4-5, Wed Jan 30 2:30-4, and Thurs Jan 31 9:30-11 and 2-3.
  • (1/28) I have posted the solutions to the non-graded take-home Quiz 0 below. I have also posted three sample graded copies of Quiz 0. Please take a look at these to get an idea of how I will be grading quizzes, and what I expect from solutions.
  • (1/28) Quiz 1, which will be given in Lab this Thurs, Jan 31, will cover Sec. 2.3 of the book.
  • (2/4) Quiz 2 this week will cover Sec. 2.6, which we will finish in class today. My weekly office hours for the rest of the semester will be as follows (unless otherwise posted): Mon 3:30-5, Wed 3-4, Thurs 10-11 and 4-5.
  • (2/15) Test 1 will be given on next Thursday, Feb 21, during Lab. You may start the test as early as 8 AM, with time ending at 9:20 AM. The absolute best way to study is to do as many problems as you can. Do any HW problems from covered material that you haven't finished, and work on the assigned Chapter 2 review problems. The material that is covered from each section we have covered in class is as follows:
    (2.1) - This section is primarily conceptual, and there will not be problems specifically from this section on the test.
    2.2 - all
    2.3 - all
    2.4 - Through (and including) Example 2, to the middle of pg. 109
    2.5 - all
    2.6 - Through (and including) Example 12, to the middle of pg. 134
    2.7 - Up to (but not including) Example 6
    2.8 - all
    3.1 - all
    3.2 - all
    3.3 - Up to (but not including) Example 5. In particular, the HW problems 3.3 #39, 41, 49, are not covered on Test 1.
  • (2/25) First, remember that Lab 4 is due this Thursday. The quiz in Lab this Thursday will cover the material from Lab 4. That is, the quiz this week covers Sections 3.4 (Chain Rule) and 3.5 (Implicit Differentiation, up to but not including derivatives of inverse trig functions).
  • (3/15) Test 2 will be given next Thurs, Mar 21, during Lab. You have the option of starting the test as early as 8 AM if you like, with time ending at 9:20 AM. You should do as many HW and review problems as you can to prepare, and in class on Wed, Mar 20, we will have a problem session in class where we can go over any examples you would like to see. The material that is covered on Test 2 from each section we have covered in class is as follows:
    3.3 - Limits involving sin(x)/x, like in Examples 5 and 6
    3.4 - all
    3.5 - all (know the derivatives of sin-1(x), cos-1(x), and tan-1(x), but you don't need to know those of csc-1(x), sec-1(x), or cot-1(x))
    3.6 - Up to, but not including, "The number e as a limit" on pg. 222
    3.7 - Only problems on motion on a line, like Example 1
    3.8 - Up to, but not including, "Continuously compounded interest" on pg. 241
    3.9 - all
    3.10 - Not including examples using graphing calculators
  • (3/25) The quiz on this Thursday in Lab will cover Setion 4.1. I will also have an extra office hou this Wednesday, 1:00-2:00 pm.
  • (4/8) The quiz this Thursday will cover Section 4.4 (L'Hospital's rule). Lab 9 is due, and bring Lab 10 to cover in Lab. Lab 7 will be an optional Lab to turn in. If you turn it in any time before Test 3 (on Apr 18), then it can replace your lowest Lab score.
  • (4/10) I have to shift my office hours today to 1:30-3 pm (instead of 3-4 pm).
  • (4/11) Test 3 will be given next Thurs, Apr 18, in Lab, and you have the option of starting as early as 8 AM, with time ending at 9:20 AM as usual. The material covered for Test 3 is as follows:
    4.1 - All except for the proof of Fermat's Theorem.
    4.2 - All except for the proofs.
    4.3 - all
    4.4 - all
    4.5 - Up to but not including "Slant Asymptotes" and Example 6.
    4.7 - Up to but not including "Applications to Business and Economics".
    4.9 - all.
    The Chapter 4 review problems, on pgs. 359-361, are good review problems for this test, and the following problems are relevant for each section covered:
    4.1 - pg. 359 #1-6
    4.2 - pg. 360 #45, 46
    4.3, 4.5 - pgs. 359-360 #15-34
    4.4 - pg. 359 #7-14
    4.7 - pgs. 360-361 #50, 57, 59
    4.9 - pg. 361 #65-74
    You should work on as many of the above problems as possible to prepare for Test 3, as well as the practice test I will give out in class. Please note that doing only the practice test is not enough to prepare. Class on Wed, Apr 17 will all be an open problem session.
  • (4/22) The Calculus History lab assignment is due this Thursday in Lab. This can be found on the same page as where you print out your other Labs, near the bottom just above information on the Final Exam.
  • (4/22) I have to shift my office hours to 30 min earlier today, so I will have office hours 3-4:30 today.
  • (4/24) The History Lab Assignment is due tomorrow (Thurs, Apr 25) in Lab. You can find this near the bottom of the same page as the rest of the Labs. Bring Lab 11 to Lab tomorrow, and we will go over it in detail. I will also return your Test 3 in Lab tomorrow, so please do attend.
  • (4/25) Please note that Lab 11 is due tomorrow, Fri, Apr 26, by 5 pm on Becca's door or my door (or in class). We are going over details of Lab 11 in Lab today.
  • (4/26) The final exam will be on Wed, May 8, from 9 AM until 12 Noon in Morton 37 (the room where Lab takes place). Two practice final exams (with solutions) can be found at the bottom of the main Math 111 homepage (where you find the Labs). My office hours during the Final Exam period will be as follows:
    Mon Apr 29 - 9:30-11, 12-2, and 3:00-4:30
    Tues Apr 30 - 9:30-11, 12-2, and 3:30-5
    Mon May 6 - 9:30-11, 12-2, and 3:00-4:30
    Tues May 7 - 9:30-11, 12-2, and 3:30-5
    My other class has their final on the first Wed of final exams, so on that first Mon and Tues of my office hours, I will be available for questions from everyone, but I will give priority to my other class. Also, the Calculus tutoring room is not open for Final exams, except for Tues, May 7, 5 pm - 8 pm there will be Calculus tutoring in Jones 131.


The Lab for our Section of Math 111 meets on Thursdays, 8:30-9:20 AM, in Morton 37. The TA for your Lab is Becca Rousseau. It is essential that you show up for your Lab every week. For one, as explained below, a quiz will be given during every lab, unless there is a Test. Each of the mid-semester tests will be given during Lab. On those days, you may begin your test as early as 8:00 AM, so that everyone has ample time to complete the tests.

Each lab assignment will begin during the lab time, accompanied by an introduction to the concept covered and some examples given by your TA. Your scores on the Lab assignments will count as 15% of your final grade. All of the labs will be available at the following link: 111 homepage.

The first Lab meeting is Thursday, Jan 24. Prior to the first Lab meeting, please complete the Calculus Readiness Evaluation test on Blackboard (Get started on Readiness test). If you have already completed it (or cannot access it), please work on the Precalculus diagnostic tests listed on the HW problems, or work on other Precalculus problems listed under Announcements above. Quiz 0 will be handed out at the first Lab meeting, which will not be a timed quiz, but rather will be a sample quiz to do on your own at home.

Please check the class syllabus to see which labs are due on which week. Be sure to print out that lab to bring with you to lab each week. The syllabus for the Lab, with policies from your TA Becca Rousseau, is here: 111 Lab Syllabus (pdf).

Homework & Quizzes:

There will be homework assignments for every section covered in class, but not to be graded. This homework is absolutely necessary in order to succeed on the quizzes, tests, and to develop a firm understanding of the material. The homework will not be collected, although you are always welcome to ask me to look at your work and to make comments on your solutions during my office hours.

The list of all assigned homework problems is here (pdf).

WebAssign problems are available online for those students with a WebAssign account. WebAssign is not a requirement for the course. These will be strictly for your benefit (and will be identical or similar to the problems listed above from the book), and will be a bit enhanced with hints and extra help from WebAssign. The Class Key for this section's WebAssign (Math 111, section 01) is: wm 8898 1247

There will be quizzes given at the beginning of lab every week when there is not a mid-term test. Each quiz will be 10-15 minutes, and will consist of one or two test-style problems. Like the tests, calculators will not be allowed on quizzes. The main point of the quizzes, apart from testing your understanding of the assigned homework, is to prepare you for test problems. In general, if you do all of the assigned homework for each lecture during the week, you should be prepared for the quiz.

For your total quiz score at the end of the semester, I will drop your lowest quiz score. There are no make-up quizzes.

I will list all solutions for quizzes given throughout the semester here:

Resources & Links:

  • Apart from my office hours, there is also Calculus tutoring by graduate assistants on Sunday through Thursday evenings from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM, in Jones 112. If you can, take advantage of this free service.
  • The main homepage for all sections of Calculus I at William & Mary, which has all of the Labs, and some problems from past finals, is here.
  • William & Mary accommodates students with disabilities in accordance with federal laws and university policy. Any student who feels they may need an accommodation based on the impact of a learning, psychiatric, physical, or chronic health diagnosis should contact Student Accessibility Services staff at 757-221-2512 or at to determine if accommodations are warranted and to obtain an official letter of accommodation. For more information, please visit the SAS webpage.
  • If you'd like information on any other resources offered by the College, please feel free to ask me. If I don't know the answer you're looking for, we can find someone who does.