Math 129 - Calculus II - Section 5 - Fall 2007

General Information:

Meeting Time:MWF, 10:00 - 10:50
Location: Modern Languages 312
Instructor:Ryan Vinroot
Office: Mathematics 510
Office Hours: Mon 11-12, Tues 10-11, Wed 11-12, or by appointment/walk-in.
Tutoring Room: Thurs 12-1 (in Math East 145)
Undergraduate TA: Nadia Flores
Office Hours: Mon 1-2, Tues 3-4, Fri 9-10
Meeting Location: Mathematics Building Lobby
Tutoring Room: Tues 1-2, Thurs 1-2 (in Math East 145)
Textbook:Calculus, Fourth Edition by Hughes-Hallett et al. published by Wiley.
3 Tests -- 100 points each, Homework -- 100 points, Final Exam -- 200 points, for a total of 600 points. The grading scale will roughly be a 10 percentage point scale, so that a final score of 540 (90%) is an A, a score of 480 (80%) is a B, etc.
Attendance Policy: Any student who is not present in the first meeting of the class, without contacting me or the mathematics department beforehand to explain the absence, will be administratively dropped from the class. Any student with excessive absences throughout the semester, without contacting the instructor to communicate why, will be administratively dropped from the class.
Calculator Policy: Calculators will be allowed for homeworks and the final exam, but calculators will NOT be allowed for the three in-class exams throughout the semester.
Prerequisites & Requirements: The prerequisite is Calculus I (Math 124 or 125), or placement. Thus, each student is expected to know the Calculus of Derivatives, and specifically, the material through Chapter 6 of the text. The main requirements for the course, apart from the textbook, are a graphing calculator, and the purchase of an access code to use WebAssign for the homework.
Syllabus: The main topic of the class is Integral Calculus, or the computation of definite and indefinite integrals, as well as applications of integrals and elementary differential equations. Approximately one section of the book will be covered each lecture (some will take two lectures), and we will cover material from Chapters 7 through 11 in the text.

Dates & Course Announcements:

  • Important Dates and Class Holidays
    • Mon, Sept 3: NO CLASS (Labor Day)
    • Fri, Sept 14: Drop Deadline
    • Fri, Oct 12: Withdraw Deadline
    • Mon, Nov 12: NO CLASS (Veterans Day observed)
    • Thurs, Nov 22 - Sun, Nov 25: NO CLASS (Thanksgiving recess)
    • Mon, Dec 10: FINAL EXAM
  • (8/22) Information, including office hours and tutoring center times, on the Undergraduate TA, Nadia Flores, has been added above in the General Information section.
  • (8/31) The first test is in class on Monday, Sept 10, and will cover Sections 7.1 through 7.6 in the text. At the end of Chapter 7, there are Review Exercises and Problems which you should work on in order to prepare. The relevant problems are as follows: #1-132, 147-153, 155, 156, 159, 160, 162, 163. The exercises 1-132 and 147-153 are all definite or indefinite integrals, while the other problems are more involved. You should spend equal amounts of time on both parts.
  • (9/17) Please note that the WebAssign homework for 7.8 is now due on Wednesday, September 19, instead of on Friday. The written homework for 7.7 and 7.8 is still due in class on Friday, however.
  • (9/30) I have enabled the Forum Discussion feature on WebAssign for our section. You may post on the forum to discuss homework problems with other students in the class.
  • (9/30) Test 2 will be on Wed, Oct 10, in class, and will cover Sections 7.7, 7.8, 8.1, 8.2, 8.4 (not center of mass), 8.5 (not pressure), and 9.1. The following are some review problems which you can work on to prepare. For 7.7 and 7.8: pgs. 362-364 #133-146, 154, 157-159, 161. For Chapter 8: pgs. 428-431 #2-35, 42a, 43-46, 48, 52, 57. For Section 9.1, any of the problems on pgs. 442-443.
  • (10/16) I will be out of town from the morning of Wed, Oct 17, until the evening of Sun, Oct 21. Professor David Savitt will be subbing for me in class on Wed, Oct 17, and Fri, Oct 19. All homework is due at the usual time and place.
  • (12/6) FINAL EXAM INFO: The final is on Monday, Dec 10, at 8:00 AM, in Koffler 218. It is suggested that you arrive at 7:45 AM. Bring a picture ID and a calculator. For a last chance to ask me questions, I will be in my office on Friday, Dec 7, 9-12, and 1:30-4:30. Study hard and good luck!
(Tentative) Exam Calendar:
Test 1 Mon, Sept 10 In class M Lng 312
Test 2 Wed, Oct 10 In class M Lng 312
Test 3 Mon, Nov 19 In class M Lng 312
Final Exam Mon, Dec 10 8-10 AM Koffl 218


Almost all of the homework will be assigned and turned in through the online resource WebAssign. Your login name is your UA email ID, and your initial password will be given to you in the first lecture of class. The system is, for the most part, very easy to use, and self-contained in terms of instructions. If you have any questions at all on how to use WebAssign, you may email, or me. There is also basic information about WebAssign at this link.

All of the WebAssign assignments are due 10 minutes before class starts on the due date. There are a few things to keep in mind when working on WebAssign, which are as follows. First, do not submit the problem set until you are satisfied with all of your solutions. Secondly, you can always save your work for the problems you have worked on, without submitting them, and come back to the assignment. Finally (and perhaps most importantly), you may submit problems individually to see if you have gotten them correct before submitting the problem set. YOU HAVE SEVERAL CHANCES TO GET THE PROBLEM CORRECT, WITH NO PENALTY, BEFORE SUBMITTING THE PROBLEM SET. That is, if you submit a problem individually (before the whole set), and you get it incorrect, you may do the problem again and resubmit. If you get the correct answer on a later try (within a number of chances, which depends on the problem), then you will get full credit on the problem.

Apart from submitting the problems on WebAssign electronically, you will be required to turn in some of the WebAssign problems with solutions written on paper (usually just two per week). The purpose of this is so that you can get feedback on your written solutions , which you cannot get from WebAssign, but will be useful when preparing for tests. The written problems are due at the beginning of class on the due date. The grading on the written problems will not be on the final answer (which is what WebAssign is for), but rather for how you have explained your solution, and the correctness of steps. The written problems will make up 20% of your total Homework grade, while the WebAssign assignments will count as 80% of your Homework grade.
WebAssign Set Sections Due Date Written Set Problems Due Date
1 7.1 Fri, Aug 24 1 7.1 #12, 18 Fri, Aug 24
2 7.2 Wed, Aug 29
3 7.3 Fri, Aug 31 2 7.2 #9, 7.3 #6 Fri, Aug 31
4 7.4 Wed, Sept 5 3 7.4 #3, 6 Wed, Sept 5
5 7.5&7.6 Fri, Sept 7
6 7.7 Mon, Sept 17
7 7.8 Wed, Sept 19
4 7.7 #11, 7.8 #3 Fri, Sept 21
8 8.1 Mon, Sept 24
9 8.2 Fri, Sept 28 5 8.1 #6, 8.2 #11 Fri, Sept 28
10 8.4 Mon, Oct 1
11 8.5 Wed, Oct 3
6 8.4 #2, 8.5 #4 Fri, Oct 5
12 9.1 Mon, Oct 8
13 9.2 Wed, Oct 17
14 9.3 Fri, Oct 19 7 9.2 #10, 9.3 #7 Fri, Oct 19
15 9.4 Wed, Oct 24
8 9.4 #5, 9 Fri, Oct 26
16 9.5 Mon, Oct 29
17 10.1 Wed, Oct 31
18 10.2 Fri, Nov 2 9 9.5 #6, 10.1 #8 Fri, Nov 2
19 10.3 Tues, Nov 6
20 11.1 Wed, Nov 7
21 11.2 Fri, Nov 9 10 11.1 #2, 11.2 #2 Fri, Nov 9
22 11.3 Wed, Nov 14
23 11.4 Fri, Nov 16
24 11.5 Wed, Nov 28
11 11.5 #6, 7 Fri, Nov 30
25 11.6&11.7 Mon, Dec 3

Resources & Links:

  • There is a tutoring room in Math East 145 for all Calculus mathematics courses. The online tutoring schedule may be found here.
  • The main homepage for all Calculus courses at the University of Arizona, which has a lot of resources, including Review Problems for the Final Exam, as well as programs for your graphing calculator, is here.