Bifurcation Diagram Plotter (Version 1.0)
By Junping Shi
Function Graph
The left-hand-side Graph is the graph of function f(u). The horizontal
coordinate is the x-axis, the vertical coordinate is the y-coordinate.
The formula of the function, only valid format is
Number of points:
The number of points to be plotted on the graph, and it is evenly distributed
according to the value of x.
Minimum x value:
The minimum x value to be plotted.
Maximum x value:
The maximum x value to be plotted.
Plot button:
Click to repaint the function graph, if your other parameters have been
changed since last painting.
Bifurcation Diagram
The right-half-side Graph is the bifurcation diagram
of equation (1) with function f(u) plotted in Function Graph. The horizontal
coordinate is the value of \lambda, and the vertical coordinate
is the value of y=u(0).
Dimension N:
The space dimension in the equation. Usually positive integer, but technically
any real number.
Number of points:
The number of points to be plotted on the graph, and it is evenly distributed
according to the value of y=u(0).
Numerical mesh length:
A parameter determining the accuracy of the diagram, see detail. It is
suggested not to change this value for fast response of the applet.
Initial point (x_0):
We actrually start shooting method from x=x_0, not zero, due to the sigularity
of (1) at x=0. But this number should be very close to 0 for better result.
Plot button:
Click to repaint the function graph, if your other parameters have been
changed since last painting.
Widening your browser for better view of both painting areas!
Click and drag a rectangle in the either diagrams to zoom in the graph.
But to get a better view of graph, change the Minimum and Maximum value
of x for function, see the last tip.
The Function Graph responds very fast, so put whatever options for all
entries, but the function must be in right format.
The Bifurcation Diagram responds slower. With the default parameter, it
takes about 5 seconds for repainting in a Pentium 133 PC. But considering
this is a much more comlicated graph (in fact, it is the mechanism behind
the graph more comlicated), such waiting time is still durable ?
Changing the Dimension or initial point will generally do not affect the
responding speed, but they do affect the accuracy of the graph.
Changing the Number of Points parameter will affect the responding time.
More time for more points, but the time increasing is linear, so if you
think it is worthing that you wait 20 seconds for 500 points, then try
it !
The worst thing is to change the Numerical mesh of computation parameter,
say, from 0.01 to 0.001 or even 0.0001. Though it will result in much better
accuracy of the graph, but it may take minutes of waiting, even the machine
will stuck. So for accuracy of data, we have an alternate way.
The Bifurcation Diagram will only plot the points whose y value is on the
x value of Function Graph, so choose the Minimum and Maximum value of x
for function, and get desired diagram.
Background Knowledge of this Java Applet
This is a Java applet
which plots the bifurcation diagram of following equation:
u''+(n-1)/r *u'+\lambda
f(u)=0, in (0,1)
u'(0)=0, u(1)=0,
where \lambda is a positive parameter. This boundary value problem
is reduced from a semilinear elliptic equation:
u+\lambda f(u)=0, in \Omega,
on \partial \Omega,
where \Omega is the unit ball in Rn
. By a remarkable paper by Gidas, Ni and Nirenberg [GNN], the solution
of equation (2)
is always radially symmetric, if f(u) is local lipshitz in
R+ . Thus the solution to (2) satisfies
equation (1).
An important property of equation (1) is that,
for any d>0, there is at most one \lambda(d)>0 such that
has a positive solution u with \lambda =\lambda(d)
and u(0)=d.
T={d>0 : (1) has a positive
solution with u(0)=d },
then T is an open subset of R+; \lambda(d)
is a well-defined continuous function from T to R+
We call R+ x R+ ={ (\lambda,
d) | \lambda >0, d>0 } the phase
{(\lambda (d), d): (1) has a solution with u(0)=d, \lambda=\lambda
(d)} the bifurcation curve,
and the phase space with bifurcation curve the bifurcation
Mathematical Theory from
study of equation (1) is a very interesting mathematical problem. An ultimate
goal is to classify all solutions for all \lambda>0, for all reasonable
and useful f(u). So one of most important problem is to determine the
exact multiplicity of the solutions for all \lambda>0. Many works has
been done, see Ouyang and Shi's papers :
Exact Multiplicity of positive solutions of
a class of semilinear problems
Exact Multiplicity of positive solutions of
a class of semilinear problems: II
and the many references therein. But all these
rigorous results are still very restrictive. For example, the curve with
multiple turning points is verturally unsolvable for most case. So numerical
calculation is a good way to get dependable information for some problems
which you can never solve. Following are some suggestions for your numerical
Not enough with these math, we have more serious math and more examples
in here. Check it out !
Numerical Algorithm
Our numerical
algorithm which produces above graph is still
very rough. But it is very natural and simple. We introduce it briefly
Instead of considering (1), we acturally solve
an initial value problem:
u''+(n-1)/r *u'+f(u)=0,
r > 0
u'(0)=0, u(0)=u_0.
Notice that the new equation does not contain parameter \lambda. We
use Runge-Kutta method to solve equation (3), we can get the values
of u(r), u'(r) at each point r(k)=k*h+u_0, where k is a positive integer,
h is the number which you input as "Numerical mesh" and u_0 is the initial
height, aslong as u(r)>0.
The shooting method is simple: if for some k>0, u(r(k))>0
and u(r(k+1))<0, then we stop shooting, and return the value R=r(k).
Then we rescale the equation (3), let \lambda(u_0)=R*R, then we get a solution
of (1). The pair (\lambda(u_0), u_0) is a point which we will actrually
plot on the Bifurcation Diagram.
At this point, I have not discussed the convergence of
this algorithm. It seems to be OK for most cases, even with not too small
mesh size and not too many plotting points. But obviously, it fails when
the value of u_0 is getting too large. I believe that there is a converge
range of x_0, with given maximum error, mesh-size and initial point x_0.
I hope I can theoriotically prove it later.
If you want fast response of the applet, then you
must have a trade-off between the computation-time and the accuracy of
the diagram. For a better data set of (\lambda, u), we also implement the
above algorithm in C++, which will result in a file containing the data
set. With this program, we can take a longer time to get better result:
for example, you can set the mesh size to be 0.0001 or even 0.00001, and
computing with u_0 increasing each 0.01 or less. For u_0 from 0 to 20,
this may take 10 minutes or so in a PC. The good part of the C++ program
We can know the Morse index of each solution, which is also outputed.
We can get the data of sign-changing solutions, with the number of sign-changing
inputed by the user.
The program is interactive, except the function, all other parameters are
inputed when the program is executed.
Java Applet programming
This applet is based on a Java graph-plotting package
made by Leigh Brookshaw.
His graphing package is avalable at
. All the source provided is covered by the GNU General Public Licence.
My source code of the bifurcation diagram is as follows:
and the programs provided by Leigh
Brookshaw are and
the graph package .
This document was first writen by Junping
Shi in Feb. 13th, 1998.