Ilya M. Spitkovsky


I was born in Odessa , Ukraine, and I moved to the United States of America in March of 1990. In the Fall of the same year I joined the College of William & Mary, and had been associated with its Department of Mathematics through the summer of 2016 (on leave during the last three academic years). Since the Fall of 2013, I've been working at the New York University Abu Dhabi as a Professor of the Mathematics Program there.

My professional interests include operator theory, complex analysis, integral equations, and matrix theory. I am on the editorial board of Integral Equations and Operator Theory, the Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, Operators and Matrices, Special Matrices, Armenian Journal of Mathematics, and International Journal for Information and Systems Sciences. I also was one of the organizers of IWOTA 2008 and the UAE Math Day 2016.

The links below tell more about me...

Curriculum Vitae (pdf file, including list of publications)
List of Publications
My Family

Ilya M. Spitkovsky
NYU Abu Dhabi
PO Box 129188
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Phone: (757) 561-0343 (Google Voice), +971 2 628 4985 (office) +971 56 319 0447 (cell)

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