The Ninth Workshop on
Numerical Ranges and Numerical Radii

Department of Mathematics, College of William and Mary
July 19 (Saturday) - July 21 (Monday), 2008.

Scientific program will start July 19 afternoon at Jones Hall 302.

The 9th Workshop on "Numerical Ranges and Numerical Radii" will be held at the College of William and Mary from July 19 - 21, 2008, in conjunction with IWOTA 2008, which will also take place at William and Mary. The workshop is endorsed by the International Linear Algebra Society. Also, the 18th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory and Networks and Systems (MTNS) will be held at Virginia Tech at Blacksburg, July 28-August 1, 2008. Participants may consider coming to WONRA, IWOTA, and / or MTNS.


The purpose of the workshop is to stimulate research and foster interaction of researchers interested in the subject. The informal workshop atmosphere will facilitate the exchange of ideas from different research areas and, hopefully, the participants will leave informed of the latest developments and newest ideas. One may visit the website WONRA to see some background about the subject and previous meetings.

Report of the 2008 WONRA


There will be a special issue of Linear and Multilinear Algebra devoted to the papers presented at the workshop. The submitted papers will go through the usual editorial/referee process. The submission deadline is:

The special editors of the issue are:

Pictures of the workshop

Registration and deadlines

There will be no registration fee for the meeting.

To register, please send the following information to Chi-Kwong Li at by June 15, 2008.

Travel and Accommodations

Visit the IWOTA 2008 websites on Travel and Accommodations.

Please mention the connection to the IWOTA conference to get the discount rate.

Program and abstracts

All talks will take place in Jones Hall 302.
Discussion can take place in Jones Hall 301.
Directions and Campus Map

Coffee will be arranged at the first floor of Jones Hall.
Workshop dinner (July 20) will be Chinese buffet.

Workshop photo on July 21 will be taken outside Jones Hall.
IWOTA reception (July 21) will be at the University Center.

Tentative schedule

                 July 19 (Sat)   July 20 (Sun)   July 21 (Mon)

09:30-10:00                                      Schulte-Herbruggen
10:00-10:30                                      Chien
10:30-11:00                                            coffee
11:00-11:30                                      Psarrakos
11:30- noon                                      Tretter
noon -12:30                                      Hou
12:30- 1:30                                        pizza lunch/photo
1:30 - 2:00      Choi            Kribs             pizza lunch
2:00 - 2:30      Spitkovsky      Gau             Nata
2:30 - 3:00      Mirman          Poon            Zachlin            
3:00 - 3:30       coffee          coffee          coffee    
3:30 - 4:00      Rodman          Sze             Szafraniec
4:00 - 4:30      Tam             Clark           Gueliri
4:30 - 5:00      Teixeira        Mahle           Li

6:00 - 8:00                   Workshop dinner 
                        (at Wok "n" Roll restaurant).          
7:00 -10:00                                      Iwota reception.
                                                (at Lodge 1,
                                                 University Center).

Most up to date Titles and Abstracts.

Confirmed participants